grace exhibition space residency
in march 2022 i was the artist in residence at Grace Exhibition Space, in Manhattan NYC. there, i explored the connections between humans, nature and machines in music. i held a once a week series of concerts, the "eco-modulars", where i invited different artists to connect to the mixing board. i was mostly joined in the noise-making by my compadre Kevin Perez, half of the Mo.Tom.Bo! spirit. it was a place of true freedom.
from left to right: Kevin Perez, moi, and Boris Nazarov. during the final performance of my residency at Grace Space. visuals by the king Preston Spurlock. photo by: Ryan Perez
bottom: from left to right, moi, Kevin and Alex Asher, special guest to one of our eco-modular sessions. photo: Ryan Perez.
the basement at grace space
from left to right: Raul Rios, Kevin Perez, moi, Marc Mosteirin, JD Figueroa (visuals). photo: Bob Krasner.
king of kings. jamie emerson performing on the closing show of the residency. visuals by JD Figueroa. photo: Bob Krasner.
deep dive with my friend Diego Las Heras (photo: Boris Nazarov).
grace exhibition space from outside
final performance with Kevin, Boris, JD (visuals) & Jamie (photo: Bob Krasner)
daytime shot of the office.Â